BEST of PONDER on THIS for Thursday, March 25th, 2010 by Stuart Wilde in THE LITTLE MONEY BIBLE

“Show interest in life and humanity and people. When you meet people, ask them questions: Where were you born…Who are you…Are you married…Where do you live? Be there for them, listen, listen, listen to the answers. Concentrating on people is loving them, so agree to concentrate. That is emotional giving. It helps people feel more secure.

Then, never deprecate them or their efforts. At best, you might suggest, in a non-threatening way, some other course of action — one that might be stronger, more likely to succeed than the course they’ve embarked on. Never trash people or dump on them. Never say things that might hurt them or scare them. Always try to keep them safe.

Make these laws of giving a part of your code of living. You will fail as we all do, and you’ll get annoyed and lose it, but keep trying. For, in the end, you have to fall in love with life and yourself; and falling in love with humanity is one of the ways you learn to love yourself.”

Stuart Wilde, in “The Little Money Bible”

For more information about this book visit Amazon.

Jeff MJeff Maziarek, author of Spirituality Simplified and Codi’s Journey, launched in April 2007 as a Web-based forum for “PONDER on THIS,” a series of weekday inspirational email messages he began sending to subscribers in March 1999. A FREE service since its inception, “PONDER on THIS” provides subscribers with meaningful content to assist them on their individual paths of spiritual growth. In addition, it benefits subscribers, authors, and publishers by including links to where subscribers can learn more about the book being quoted, and also purchase it.

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