BEST of PONDER on THIS for Friday, June 5th, 2015 by Ching Ning Chu in THICK FACE BLACK HEART

“Fear does not have to be destructive. If we learn to respect fear and channel the emotion of fear for a higher purpose, it will benefit us. Just think: if you never experience any fear, it is probably because you are living your life too safely, beneath your capacity and avoiding challenges. Such a life can be summed up in one word – nothing. An ancient wise man once said, “I would rather have fear and worry than nothing.”

Due to the grace of fear, we learn to respect the laws of nature. We do not foolishly jump into a blazing fire, or drown ourselves in the depths of the ocean. We do not jump out of an airplane without proper training and equipment. Due to the grace of fear, a mother will tenderly watch and protect her child from harm.

Do NOT be afraid of fear. Our creator did not place fear in our hearts in order to destroy us, but rather to guide and protect us. Understand your fear, befriend your fear. Talk to your fear, and ask how you can utilize it to your benefit rather than your destruction.”

Chin-Ning Chu, in “Thick Face, Black Heart”

For more information about this book visit Amazon.


“If you think your life is, complete confusion,
’cause you never win the game.
Just remember that, it’s a grand illusion,

Styx, from the song “The Grand Illusion”

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