BEST of PONDER on THIS for Wednesday, June 17th, 2015 by Neale Donald Walsch in THE NEW REVELATIONS

Neale Donald Walsch: What are the beliefs that we have about God that create crisis, violence, killing, and war?

God: First, you believe that God “needs” something. Second, you believe that God “can fail” to get what He needs. Third, you believe that God “has separated” you from Him because you have not given Him what He needs. Fourth, you believe that God still needs what he needs so badly that God now”requires” you, “from your separated position,” to give it to Him. Fifth, you believe that God “will destroy you” if you do not meet His requirements.

These Five Fallacies About God have brought more pain and destruction to your day-to-day existence than all of your other beliefs combined.”

God, as spoken to Neale Donald Walsch, in “The New Revelations”

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