Category Archives: Law of Attraction

BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, June 24th, 2024 by Lynn Grabhorn in EXCUSE ME, YOUR LIFE IS WAITING

“Yearning for, wishing for, longing for, even hoping for are not activities of focusing on what we want. They’re just negative thoughts that vibrate from a place of discouragement, a place of lack born from the pessimistic beliefs that we’ll … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Wednesday, May 15th, 2024 by Lynn Grabhorn in EXCUSE ME, YOUR LIFE IS WAITING

“These days just about everybody knows that the state of one’s physical health is connected to the state of one’s mental health. Even doctors by crackie! Scientists stress the hell out of mice, then watch the cancer cells develop. They … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Tuesday, April 30th, 2024 by Esther and Jerry Hicks in GETTING INTO THE VORTEX

“As you gradually train you own thoughts into those of positive expectation, as you align with thoughts of worthiness and Well-Being, as you align you true power by seeking good-feeling thoughts – you will no longer offer resistance to your … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Thursday, April 25th, 2024 by Lynn Grabhorn in EXCUSE ME, YOUR LIFE IS WAITING

“Here are the four steps to deliberate creation, the four steps that are guaranteed – that’s right, guaranteed – to bring into your life whatever is your passion and much, much more. They are guaranteed because they are universal law, … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Thursday, January 11th, 2024 by Rhonda Byrne in THE SECRET

You are a human transmission tower, and you are more powerful than any television tower created on earth. You are the most powerful transmission tower in the Universe. Your transmission crates your life and it creates the world. The frequency … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Tuesday, October 24th, 2023 by Lynn Grabhorn in EXCUSE ME, YOUR LIFE IS WAITING

“The truth is that whatever it is we’re wanting to fix, all the desperate things we think about doing will have precious little effect on influencing our experience. Nor does it matter HOW we do what we do, or how … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Thursday, September 21st, 2023 by Rhonda Byrne in THE SECRET

“The Universe offers all things to all people through the law of attraction. You have the ability to choose what you want to experience. Do you want there to be enough for you and for everyone? Then choose that and … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Friday, June 30th, 2023 by Gary Spinell in IT WAS YOU, ALL ALONG

“Treating any other being or living creature with disrespect is also a sign to the Universe you believe in disrespecting others and thereby attract disrespect to you. People hurt animals often as a way to express their anger and frustration … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, June 5th, 2023 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“Energy flows out of our bodies like a signal or wave length from a radio or television station. Each of us emits a very precise signal. Everyone and everything in our environment picks up certain of these signals. However, only … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Friday, May 26th, 2023 by Kathleen Martin in UNDERSTANDING UNIVERSAL LAWS 101

“When you tune your radio dial to a station you want to listen to, you expect to hear that station. You can’t tune your dial to 88.9 AM and hear 98.6 FM. They aren’t the same frequency. The same is … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, December 5th, 2022 by Gary Spinell in BEYOND INTENT

“Have you ever had an “Aha” moment, when all of the pieces to the puzzle fit together, or you played your best game of golf, or remarkable focus on a project resulted in amazing results? Athletes often talk about “being … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Friday, November 25th, 2022 by Jerry and Ester Hicks in GETTING INTO THE VORTEX

“The need to see the immediate evidence of progress is the most significant hindrance to most people. When you attempt to take score of your progress too soon, you move further from the results you seek. There is no desire … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Tuesday, August 16th, 2022 by Lisa Nichols in THE SECRET by Rhonda Byrne

“The law of attraction is really obedient. When you think of the things that you want, and you focus on them with all of your intention, then the law of attraction will give you exactly what you want, every time. … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Friday, August 12th, 2022 by Esther and Jerry Hicks in GETTING INTO THE VORTEX

“The person who comes right now will be a match to the essence of the person you are right now. When you are feeling misunderstood or lonely or unloved, you cannot find a mate who will offer anything different to … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Thursday, May 26th, 2022 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“The Universe sends us two basic signals as indicators of our degree of alignment with it. Comfort in our bodies is evidence of our being in alignment. Discomfort is evidence of our being out of alignment. The signals in our … Continue reading

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