Tag Archives: You Can Have It All

BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, April 29th, 2024 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“Each of us has a built-in mechanism which is designed to guide us toward perfect responses to all events and experiences in our lives. I call this the PERFECT RESPONSE MECHANISM (PRM). It is the mechanism that is brilliant enough … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Tuesday, August 29th, 2023 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“You can have a relationship with a person, have total commitment to the relationship, trust the other person completely and yet have no attachment to the person or to the relationship. You give the other person total freedom at all … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, July 3rd, 2023 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“Do you believe that God or an Infinite Intelligence is responsible for human life and everything else in the Universe? If the answer is yes, do you see it as an unconditionally loving and supportive energy? It is interesting that … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, June 5th, 2023 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“Energy flows out of our bodies like a signal or wave length from a radio or television station. Each of us emits a very precise signal. Everyone and everything in our environment picks up certain of these signals. However, only … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Tuesday, March 7th, 2023 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“The principle that we “always receive what we want or believe is relentless.” It is in constant operation whether we notice it or not. People who struggle for a living, doing things they dislike, perceive the world around them at … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, January 30th, 2023 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“The major obstacle to resolving problems in our lives is that we deal with them as though they are something outside of us. The truth is that every problem is an outward manifestation of our state of consciousness. When our … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Thursday, December 15th, 2022 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“How do we experience security? The one way we do not experience security is by collecting or accumulating assets. Security is not something that you attain outside of yourself. In fact the person who looks to create a feeling of … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Friday, November 4th, 2022 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“Any discomfort we experience is a result of locking energy in our bodies. More particularly, it is a result of attaching thoughts to feelings. Something occurred in our experience which we interpreted in a way that created the attachment. This … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Wednesday, September 21st, 2022 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“One of the ways we interfere with the free flow of energy is holding on to what we already have. We hold on to money or other things of material value. We hold on to people that we have a … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Wednesday, July 6th, 2022 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“Changing the world around us really doesn’t ever give us more than temporary pleasure. Changing the world around us is exhausting. Most of us spend our entire lives changing things in our environment in an effort to improve the quality … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Thursday, May 26th, 2022 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“The Universe sends us two basic signals as indicators of our degree of alignment with it. Comfort in our bodies is evidence of our being in alignment. Discomfort is evidence of our being out of alignment. The signals in our … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Thursday, February 17th, 2022 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“Society places different values on talents. A person who is talented in business or in the professions is accorded a higher status than one whose talent is in sewing, cooking, repairing appliances, or hanging wallpaper. Yet, each talent is truly … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, February 7th, 2022 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“The talents each of us have are literally God given, and they are given to be ex¬pressed. Failure to express them results in great discomfort in our physical bodies. The talents want out. Holding them in requires effort and is … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Tuesday, January 11th, 2022 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“Talents are gifts of the Universe. We do not learn a talent. Each talent is a complete gift that comes with the tools to express it perfectly. If we have artistic talent, we have all of the skills necessary to … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Thursday, October 28th, 2021 by Arnold Patent in YOU CAN HAVE IT ALL

“Once we have achieved mastery of anything in our lives, we “own the level” attained by that achievement. What’s more, the skills used to attain that level are transferable. We see illustrations of this principle all of the time. Look … Continue reading

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