BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, September 21st, 2015 by John Randolph Price in LIVING A LIFE OF JOY

“I have heard people say that they learned the truth of health and wholeness by being sick, the reality of abundance by suffering lack, the beauty of harmonious relationships by witnessing firsthand the ugliness of discord. Such educational experiences may be fine for some, but they remind me of the old joke about the person who hit himself on the head with a hammer so it would feel good when he stopped.

Many of us do that – worship the hammer god as our way of seeking the good life. No wonder the wise ones shake their heads and wonder why we can’t accept the fact that the only problems we have are those of our own creation. They know this is strictly a loving universe with joy as its song – that everything in life is meant to be positive, and that if God didn’t cause it, it isn’t so.

I think it’s a wonderful thing to know that our challenges are self-created. With no one to blame we can stop fearing what’s “out there” and start taking charge of our lives.”

John Randolph Price, in “Living a Life of Joy”

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