I am pleased to announce that I’ve added a new feature to the Pondercentral.com website, namely easy access to “Free Angel Card Readings by Dyan Garris.” The link for accessing these readings is included on the navigation bar on the right side of the screen; you just need to page down a bit. A friend referred me to this site a couple of years ago, and I occasionally visit it. I’ve actually found it to be very insightful at times and the information provided to very relevant as well. As per custom there is no compensation paid to Pondercentral for including the link on the site, as my intention is just to provide additional value for subscribers.
On a second subject, if you have found value from the free “Ponder on This” messages during the time you’ve been a subscriber, I once again ask you to please consider purchasing a copy of my first book, Spirituality Simplified. At the moment there are only 14 copies from the second print run left at Amazon.com, and just 27 copies remaining here in my office; they all need to be sold before I can release the print on demand version of the same book, which is now produced and ready to go. Would you please help me achieve this goal?
To help sell the office inventory I’ve reduced the book’s retail sales price on my SpiritSimple.com website by over 60% to just $5.95, and cut the shipping price as well to $3.00. Please click here for the purchase page on SpiritSimple.com, or if you prefer to buy from Amazon.com then please use this link.
Thank you!