BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, September 4th, 2023 by Tony Burroughs in THE LAW OF AGREEMENT

“Your brothers and sisters with whom you walk this Earth are gifts unto you, each one bringing something new, something you need for your own fulfillment. Even Mother Earth, Herself, laughs as you laugh, cries as you cry, cheers when you cheer. She is with you always, in Her heart, and in yours.

All of life supports you. There is not a rock, a branch, a hillside, a drop or an ocean of water that turns away from you as you approach. All are here for you to work with, to play with, to commune with, to create and recreate with. The world is a joyous playground offering itself for you to do with as you please. There is only one rule of thumb you need follow: Take care of it. Take of it all, so it can thrive and enjoy its experience fully and freely.”

Tony Burroughs,  in “The Law of Agreement”

For more information about this book visit Amazon.

Jeff MJeff Maziarek, author of Spirituality Simplified and Codi’s Journey, launched in April 2007 as a Web-based forum for “PONDER on THIS,” a series of weekday inspirational email messages he began sending to subscribers in March 1999. A FREE service since its inception, “PONDER on THIS” provides subscribers with meaningful content to assist them on their individual paths of spiritual growth. In addition, it benefits subscribers, authors, and publishers by including links to where subscribers can learn more about the book being quoted, and also purchase it.

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