BEST of PONDER on THIS for Thursday, October 11th, 2007 by Clarence Deigel in EXPERIENCING LIFE THROUGH THE CHAKRAS

“When you judge another, it is only a reflection of what is inside of you. Your judgments do nothing but energize, empower, and hold in place what is inside of you…If you choose not to judge, what can you do? You can discern. Just as there is a difference between need and desire, there is a difference between judgment and discernment. You have created a brilliant mind capable of discerning very well. You can discern a situation or circumstance for what it is. There is nothing wrong with that. You can even choose to be part of an experience or not but do not judge by placing a value on it. Judgment says it is good or bad, right or wrong. You do not have to place a value on a situation, circumstance, or person in order to discern or to choose one thing versus another.”

Clarence Deigel, in “Experiencing Life Through the Chakras”

For more information about this book visit Amazon.

Jeff MJeff Maziarek, author of Spirituality Simplified and Codi’s Journey, launched in April 2007 as a Web-based forum for “PONDER on THIS,” a series of weekday inspirational email messages he began sending to subscribers in March 1999. A FREE service since its inception, “PONDER on THIS” provides subscribers with meaningful content to assist them on their individual paths of spiritual growth. In addition, it benefits subscribers, authors, and publishers by including links to where subscribers can learn more about the book being quoted, and also purchase it.

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