BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, April 20th, by Stuart Wilde in INFINITE SELF

“Release owning or not owning. If you own some great piece of real estate, well, fair enough. But you don’t want the real estate to control you. You don’t want the thing to become a burden to you. If you buy a really fancy car, it sounds great. But, in reality, you’ve got to polish it, insure it, worry about it. How much energy are you putting into the car? It might be better that you have an old clunker you can leave anywhere with a little note on it saying, “Please steal me. I need the insurance money.”…When you don’t hold on, you’re free. The more tight-ass you are about “mine” the more money-grabbing you are and the less you have in the end. What’s the point of millions in the bank if you live a miserable life and die the world’s greatest tight-ass?”

Stuart Wilde, in “Infinite Self”

For more information about this book visit Amazon.

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