BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, July 6th, 2015 by Sanaya Roman in LIVING WITH JOY

“To make the time between asking for what you want and receiving it shorter, begin by getting clear on your goals. Some of you are so non-specific that your minds wander around, never making clear requests to your souls and so your souls spend much time guiding your minds to get clear about what you want.

The more accurately and precisely you can state what you want in any area of your life – with exact guidelines and steps – the more rapidly you will have it. You may not get it in the precise form you asked for, but your soul will create for you the essence of what you want.”

Sanaya Roman, in “Living with Joy”

For more information about this book visit Amazon.

Jeff MJeff Maziarek, author of Spirituality Simplified and Codi’s Journey, launched in April 2007 as a Web-based forum for “PONDER on THIS,” a series of weekday inspirational email messages he began sending to subscribers in March 1999. A FREE service since its inception, “PONDER on THIS” provides subscribers with meaningful content to assist them on their individual paths of spiritual growth. In addition, it benefits subscribers, authors, and publishers by including links to where subscribers can learn more about the book being quoted, and also purchase it.

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