Neale Donald Walsch: What is hell?
God: It is the experience of the worst possible outcome of your choices, decisions, and creations. It is the natural consequence of any thought which denies Me, or says no to Who You Are in relationship to Me.
It is the pain you suffer through wrong thinking…Hell is the opposite of joy. It is unfulfillment. It is knowing Who and What You Are, and failing to experience that. It is being less. That is hell, and there is none greater for your soul.
But hell does not exist as this place you have fantasized, where you burn in some everlasting fire, or exist in some everlasting torment. What purpose could I have in that?…
I tell you there is no such experience after death as you have constructed in your fear-based methodologies. Yet there is an experience of the soul so unhappy, so incomplete, so less than whole, so separated from God’s greatest joy, that to your soul this would be hell. But I tell you I do not send you there, nor do I cause this experience to be visited upon you. You, yourself, create this experience.”
Neale Donald Walsch, in “Conversations with God, Book 1”
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