“If you love yourself for who you are, you are living in present time which is the gateway to personal power. If you love only who you will be, then you are out of your body, living in a future you cannot affect (until it becomes present time and you can act). Look at who you are, compare it to who you want to be, and ask yourself why they do not match. Ask, “Is what I want to be really appropriate to who I am, or is it something I was told I should be?”
The more you can clear yourself of other peoples’ programs, expectations, and pictures of you, the more powerful you will become. Many of those future pictures involve meeting unrealistic or inappropriate standards given to you by others. Many of those ideals represent beliefs of others that you try to fit onto yourself. Look clearly at your expectations of yourself, especially those you constantly fail to meet. They can be indicators of areas in which who you want to be is not fitting with your true needs. The pain you feel at the difference, the feelings of heaviness, fear or darkness only exist because you are trying to “wear” energy that does not belong to you.”
Sanaya Roman, in “Personal Power through Awareness”
For information about this book visit Amazon.
Jeff Maziarek, author of Spirituality Simplified and Codi’s Journey, launched Pondercentral.com in April 2007 as a Web-based forum for “PONDER on THIS,” a series of weekday inspirational email messages he began sending to subscribers in March 1999. A FREE service since its inception, “PONDER on THIS” provides subscribers with meaningful content to assist them on their individual paths of spiritual growth. In addition, it benefits subscribers, authors, and publishers by including links to Amazon.com where subscribers can learn more about the book being quoted, and also purchase it.