Tag Archives: Annemarie Greenwood

BEST of PONDER on THIS for Tuesday, May 7th, 2024 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“If we focus on what feels good and what feels right or feels true to us, we will find our authenticity. Being authentic is about not compromising on our decision to feel good. It is about being honest with ourselves … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Thursday, February 1st, 2024 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“The thing about repetitive, reactive behaviors is that over time they become deeply ensconced in our physiology. By always reacting a certain way to a certain stimulus, we create deep neural pathways, deep ingrained ruts. We have absolutely no concept … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, October 2nd, 2023 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“Limiting beliefs create a mold, a fabrication, very much like creating a papier mache ball from a newspaper and a balloon…Labels and judgments, experiences and impressions accumulate over time. Layer by layer, we take these truths and plaster them over … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Thursday, August 10th, 2023 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“It’s extremely easy to focus on the negative. Which is why as we progress on the path, it is essential to recognize and move beyond the ‘but, but, but’ arguments that the ego tries to thwart us with. We try … Continue reading

Posted in Ego, Power of Positive Thinking | Tagged , , | Comments Off on BEST of PONDER on THIS for Thursday, August 10th, 2023 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

BEST of PONDER on THIS for Tuesday, May 9th, 2023 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“Consider each and every thought you have as a prayer, or a personal wish, that gets sent out into the world and is always answered. If we could all rationalize and accept that concept , we would realize the importance … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Monday, January 2nd, 2023 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“Expectations are just labels we project into the future and they are…a recipe for disaster. When we tell ourselves, ‘Oh, it will be so good if this happens,’ the consequence of this type of thinking is that if it doesn’t … Continue reading

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BEST of PONDER on THIS for Friday, November 18th, 2022 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“Detachment is the art of letting go…When people think of detachment, they think of being insensitive, cold or emotionally void – a kind of numb, nonchalant, indifferent attitude, where we walk around and interact with people projecting an image of … Continue reading

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PONDER on THIS for Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“The only guarantee in life is change. When you are lost in the promises of some distant future, waiting for the magical day when you will finally be happy, all your energy is draining toward some future event, with little … Continue reading

Posted in Acceptance, Present Moment Awareness | Tagged , , | Comments Off on PONDER on THIS for Tuesday, October 4th, 2022 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

PONDER on THIS for Thursday, May 15th, 2014 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“We’ve all heard the expression ‘you are not the center of the universe.’ Well, I am here to tell you that indeed you are! In fact, taking care of yourself and your needs has to come first! Perhaps you’ve heard … Continue reading

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PONDER on THIS for Thursday, January 23rd, 2014 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“If we focus on what feels good and what feels right or feels true to us, we will find our authenticity. Being authentic is about not compromising on our decision to feel good. It is about being honest with ourselves … Continue reading

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PONDER on THIS for Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“The thing about repetitive, reactive behaviors is that over time they become deeply ensconced in our physiology. By always reacting a certain way to a certain stimulus, we create deep neural pathways, deep ingrained ruts. We have absolutely no concept … Continue reading

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PONDER on THIS for Thursday, June 20th, 2013 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“Limiting beliefs create a mold, a fabrication, very much like creating a papier mache ball from a newspaper and a balloon…Labels and judgments, experiences and impressions accumulate over time. Layer by layer, we take these truths and plaster them over … Continue reading

Posted in Belief, Labeling | Tagged , , | Comments Off on PONDER on THIS for Thursday, June 20th, 2013 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

PONDER on THIS for Tuesday, April 30th, 2013 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“It’s extremely easy to focus on the negative. Which is why as we progress on the path, it is essential to recognize and move beyond the ‘but, but, but’ arguments that the ego tries to thwart us with. We try … Continue reading

Posted in Ego, Power of Positive Thinking | Tagged , , | Comments Off on PONDER on THIS for Tuesday, April 30th, 2013 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

PONDER on THIS for Thursday, January 24th, 2013 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“Consider each and every thought you have as a prayer, or a personal wish, that gets sent out into the world and is always answered. If we could all rationalize and accept that concept , we would realize the importance … Continue reading

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PONDER on THIS for Wednesday, September 19th, 2012 by Annemarie Greenwood and Marissa Campbell in LIFE: LIVING IN FULFILLMENT EVERY DAY

“Expectations are just labels we project into the future and they are…a recipe for disaster. When we tell ourselves, ‘Oh, it will be so good if this happens,’ the consequence of this type of thinking is that if it doesn’t … Continue reading

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